Saturday, December 24, 2005

HoPLeSs MusiCiAn~

Waaaaa.... it's christmas!! ^_^ It's so coOL...
Ambilis ng pnahon tlga!!
Newei, i'm just planning 2 stay insyd our house ol day long.. i'm just gonna play d piano non-stop.. I kno we alwayz head out on holidays but not 2day cos my aunt doesn't feel well and the car's on repair. I think I haven't told u guyz `bout this but my passion 4 piano is back! I'm ADDICTED again! Geez Unfortunately ngbalik nnman ang saket kuh sa pagkaadik!.. Watever hapend 2me..? Seems lyk it was jus yestrday wen my moder ws forcin me to play, sayin:

"Anak magpiano ka nman! Sayang lessons nyo ang mahal mahal!!"
"Weee... `yoko nga.."
i answerd w/o any hint of interest n my voice

Huh!! Wats got in2 me..?!! Is dis a symptom of bein INSPIRED?! I rily dunno.. I just kno I'm expired. Rily.

Friday, December 23, 2005


by sugababes

"People are all the same
And we only get judged by what we do
My personality reflects me
And if I'm ugly then
So are you
So are you

Everybody talks bad about somebody
And never realises how it affects somebody
And you bet it won't be forgotten
Envy is the only thing it could be"

Hmm... whata message.. ganda noh..?! Itz true tho. People r ol d same. Just take a look at our x-rays.. we all look the same ryt!? And beneath our human body, we're all SOULS. What we do, what we say, what our lyf choices and decisions are, that's what makes the difrence. We get UGLY by our ugly acts. So plz, choose to be a BEAUTIFUL SOUL. ^_^


Here i go agen.. ^_^ I can surely say it has been a rily long tym sinz i last upd8ed my blog.. 3 tough months have easily gone by.. My, how tym flies..?! And for 2 days time, it'll be christmas! And by January 3, i'll b turning 15! tanda koh nahhh!

Niweiz, dis post is called "untitled" coz i culdn't think of any appropriate title dat wud suit d idea of dis entry.. Dis is just me reflecting en evaluating my 15 yrs of existnce in ds cruel world. I realized i nver did get 2 exprience being HAPPY. Why? The word HAPPY is not sufficient enuf 2 sum up my 15 yrs full of laughters, smiles, love, en blessings. Of course, der wer tyms i'v felt so down, hopless, depres, en ol dat. But those obstacles are nothing compared to all the gud things and gud people god has gven me.

Secret? Contentment dude.. Contentmnt it is.. For evry goal i achiev, for evry thing i have, i'm so-- contented.

STOP THINKING YOU DON'T HAVE EVERYTHING. Nver let dat tot overrule u, coz dat wud absolutly pul u down.. Mybe u'r juz too blind to c the valuable things u have. Why? Becoz u'r envious . Yes, we ol hav our comptetiv sides but try 2 lie-lo at crtain tyms. 2 much compettvnes cud mke u mean & bein mean, makes u a certified LOOSER.
Trials, obstacles, problems, en such stuffs r not hindranz 4 us 2b happy. Alam nio b meaning pg mdming pgsubok buhay nio..?! Dat means u'r a worthy person. God gv u d chanz 2 prove urself. So u betr show Him ur worth ol d troubles.. ^_^ Matakot kau qng wlang problema buhy nio!

■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ Sinz it's Chrstmas, i wanna thank d folowing pipz:

  • Ma & Pa: 4 olweiz bein der 4 us, 4 doin thngs 2 make us hapy. I solmnly swear, if nobody's perfect, u'r the closest beings dat suit the word.

  • Ate April: 4 bein such a funny, kind & nice 2 get along sster. 4 bein my sort of confidant. Lucky me 2 hav u!

  • Ate Arriane: ur so moody. but wen u'r not out of urself, i promise ur such a great person. Ur so kind.

  • Tita Adelfa: u know ur my moder next 2 my mama. En 4 ol d things dat u'v done, i'm more dan wiling 2b ur daughter 2 luk after u & tke cre of u wen u get old.

  • Camille: i kno we alwayz fight either due 2 ur clumsiness or my crankiness but seriously i'm so lucky 2 hav u as my besfren. i've nver felt this secure.

  • Rej & Jen & Novea: My fun fwens! Tnx 4 d lafters. With u guys, i figured wat frenship rily means.

  • Classmates (batch '03 section 1): I'm so lucky 2 b a part of this batch! Swear. We're so different from some upper batches' cream sections and i'm so proud how you guyz r ol so humble! Other creams r so mayabang!

    ---I wish u ol a happy christmas!!! Luv u ol so much!---